Tuesday 18 June 2013

Weekly Wardrobe 10

Hi all! First and foremost I feel I ought to apologise for being a terrible blogger of late. Have been coping with the Great British Exodus, which includes several of my favourite UK-dwellers coming to stay with me on consecutive LONG weekends (i.e. Thursday to Monday) for the last three weeks. It has been utterly lovely having them all here, but I feel my blogging abilities have suffered somewhat. 

Dressing up in Paris weekly Wardrobe, metal choker and blazer

Dressing up in Paris weekly Wardrobe, metal choker and blazer

To make up for my neglectful ways, I'm giving you another thing that has been neglected of late: the Weekly Wardrobe Feature. I wore this to work last Friday as the weather was beginning to turn summery and I felt so kick-ass in it I can't tell you. There's something incredibly empowering about blazers. (Name of Fran's next novel: "The Empowerment of the Blazer") Casual but smart, the blazer's androgynous charm works for me every time.

Dressing up in Paris weekly Wardrobe, metal choker and blazer
Dress - Uniqlo
Blazer- H&M
Shoes - Marks&Spencer
Choker - Monki
Belt - Vintage (belonged to my Ma)

I have to say - and you may be surprised to hear this - but the glorious blazer actually got less attention than the space-age silver choker I was wearing. (I know right, what's with that?!) Below you will find some of the reactions my dear colleagues had to the item in question:

"It's a bit Daft Punk, innit?"
"Have you tried wearing it backwards? I think it would look prettier."
"Your necklace is 'hyper-beau'/tres jolie/super/wonderful/fab"
"Where's your leash?"

And, what has to be my personal favourite...

"You look like the submissive in a 50-Shades-Of-Grey type relationship"

Dressing up in Paris weekly Wardrobe, metal choker and blazer

Dressing up in Paris weekly Wardrobe, metal choker and blazer

Sigh. Some people just don't get fashion... Anyway, I hope you'll accept this tiny blog-nugget (blugget?) as a peace offering and that you'll all tune in tomorrow when this week's proper post WILL be up and ready to read. In the meantime, get in touch, leave a comment, follow me on Twitter - don't be a stranger! Would love to hear from you and all feedback/suggestions would be hugely appreciated. 
Happy Tuesday all!

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